V12 MPO Software
Updated 2025 January 23
Restores stand-alone AAVSO Batch Reference File Generator to MPO Canopus suite.
Changes Log

Dowload Instructions - Full Installer
For a full new or partial reinstall.
  • Download MPOV12Installer.zip
  • Unzip that file to a directory where you have read/write privileges. Do not overwrite an existing installation using this program. Use the Update program to update files in an existing installation.
  • Make sure that no other v10 or v12 programs are running, with the exception of the v10 MPO Server.
  • Run the MPOV12Installer.exe program that was extracted.

Dowload Instructions - v12.0.6.5 Updater
An existing v12 installation is required.
  • Download MPOV12065_Updater.zip
  • Unzip that file to a directory where you have read/write privileges but not anywhere in or under the MPO12 directory tree being updated.
  • Make sure that no other v10 or v12 programs are running, with the exception of the v10 MPO Server.
  • Run the MPOV12065_Updater.exe program that was extracted.
    Click the <Notes> button on the first tab of the updater before doing the update.

♦ Do not download into or run from an existing MPOV12 directory tree that is to be overwritten.
♦ "Run as Administrator" is not required if installing from and into a directory where the active or all user accounts have read/write privileges.
Version 12 Highlights
See the video tutorials

There are many enhancements over version 10. For one, a more modern interface, and a switch from a proprietary database engine that was written when Windows XP/7 were the current versions. The switch to SQLite means there are fewer compatibility issues. However, SQLite was intended more for a single, or very few number of users, and it is not as robust as the old engine. Regardless, it seems to be speedy and is well-supported.

The infamous "Run as Administrator" requirement has gone away, assuming that one installs the software into a directory where they have read/write privileges. The same goes for any files outside MPO software, e.g., images.

The most important considerations were that the software was generally similar so that any learning curves would be minimized and, more important, the new software didn't produce different results, within noise tolerances.

The V10to12 program exports version 10 data to text and INI files that will be imported by a separate v12 program. The two are isolated so that the version 12 software has no reliance on the old database engine. Note: the conversion should be done before installing version 12.

The database table structures of version 10 and 12 are significantly different (v12 stores much more information). While almost all version 10 data will make their way into version 12, be aware that there will be a good number of empty (or default) values in version 12 tables.

To keep up with announcements about version 12, join the MPOSoftware group

Tutorials take the form of videos on the YouTube channel. Many are available with more coming.

There will be an extensive written manual for the software. However, the PowerPoint slides used in the tutorials will be made available as PDFs.