Downloads (v10 using FF DB Engine)

Please see our policies regarding updates, upgrades, free (limited) technical support.
All updates are distributed exclusively by electronic downloads. Internet provider and/or data fees may apply.

These apply to all downloads, except where noted.
  • Download the file to a directory where you have read/write privileges. If a ZIP file, extract it to the same directory.
  • Run the program that was extracted from the ZIP. If Windows raises an alert, choose to run the program.
  • Enter any required information and then execute the program.
(v.  2025 February 5)
  • Extract the files in the zip to any directory where you have read/write privileges..
  • Run the program; it is not necessary to use "Run as Administrator."
A "READ ME" button has been added to the form. Please click this button to read some important information as well as instructions.

(2024 February 7, v12.0.3.5)
Converts version 10.4 (preferably 10.7) and above to text files that can imported into version 12 tables. Because of significant changes between versions 10 and 12, some data in version 12 will be missing. Installing and running this program does not alter version 10 programs or data. It merely exports the data.

Download This must be done before running the v12 installer
Please note that the instuctions below are different from those at the top of the page. In the instructions below, "\MPO\" is the root directory of the v10 installation.
  • Make sure that the MPO server is running (look in icon tray). If not, start MPO Canopus and then close it as soon as it comes up.
  • Download ZIP to the v10 MPO root directory, e.g., C:\MPO. Extract the ZIP from that location, e.g.,"Extract here" if opening the zip with 7-Zip. If prompted about overwritting files, answer
  • This should install or overwrite the aavso_head, aavso_headcomps, aavso_obs, and aavso_obscomps FF2 files in \MPO\common and convert10to12.exe in \MPO\programs.
  • Run \MPO\programs\Convertv10to12.exe
    you must use Run as Administrator.

MPO Canopus/PhotoRed
(v10.8.6.20, 2023 June 10)

Updates the default "To" Email address for the Minor Planet Center to All users should check this setting on the Configuration | MPC tab. The old default of "mpc@cfa..." is no longer valid.

Fixes an Access violation issue in lightcurve wizard tied to using comps from a previous session and the FindComps button on the Image #1 tab.

ALCDEFSubmit v10
(v2.2.7.3, 2021 July 2)
ALCDEFSubmit is a stand-alone program to generate files for submission to the ALCDEF web site using the v2.2 standard. You must have MPO Canopus v10.4.x (v10.8.x is strongly suggested) installed.