Asteroid-PPM Appulses - 2023 December

All dates and times are Universal Time
Positions are geocentric J2000 and include planetary perturbations and proper motion
Star positions from the Position and Proper Motions catalog
Separations are in arcseconds, Position Angle is from the star to the asteroid
Calculations by Brian D. Warner
Asteroid < mag 16;  Star < 7.0;  Elong from Sun > 45°

Date    UT       #    Asteroid               RA        Dec     Mag    Sep   PA     Star    Con   Mag
12/01  00:51      527 Euryanthe           06 49.80  +16 09.9   15.1   140  190         33  GEM   5.9
12/01  02:59      418 Alemannia           12 10.49  -07 45.5   15.5    67   28     195219        6.8
12/01  08:08      276 Adelheid            05 11.74  +00 29.7   13.1    85  149     148577        6.6
12/01  10:47     1547 Nele                11 57.72  -08 33.7   15.6    58  215     195007        6.7
12/01  18:02     1891 Gondola             03 41.10  +37 35.7   16.0    56  338      68686        5.4
12/01  22:40     1503 Kuopio              07 09.42  +36 33.2   14.3    37  191      72497        6.7
12/01  23:10     1149 Volga               22 58.72  +07 21.8   15.4    85    3     173611        6.6
12/02  01:34     2742 Gibson              05 20.30  +19 35.1   15.9    26  358     120839        6.5
12/02  02:33     3560 Chenqian            07 29.12  +31 47.7   15.7    38   13        Rho  GEM   4.2
12/02  03:12      660 Crescentia          01 20.22  -09 51.6   13.7   178   61     183317        7.0
12/02  04:12      395 Delia               21 28.28  -11 36.4   15.9   144  164     238888        6.8
12/02  07:42     6454 1991 UG1            00 37.25  -24 45.7   16.0    78  284     243033        5.5
12/02  10:07      545 Messalina           22 59.51  +00 56.0   14.2   113  157          2  PSC   6.5
12/02  10:24     1954 Kukarkin            05 04.52  +32 21.8   14.9   171  334      69892        6.5
12/02  10:53      402 Chloe               21 15.58  -20 36.4   14.7   169  346        Phi  CAP   4.8
12/02  12:43      888 Parysatis           21 23.07  -22 43.0   14.7   175  164     272410        5.4
12/02  15:07       97 Klotho              23 47.22  -11 53.2   11.8    94  337     242109        5.7
12/02  20:16      382 Dodona              23 00.59  +00 13.5   15.0   146  344     173639        6.2
12/03  13:16      119 Althaea             02 27.47  +10 09.7   12.1   146  152     118239        6.4
12/03  14:00       87 Sylvia              20 45.23  -27 15.3   13.1    28  162     271564        6.6
12/03  17:38       41 Daphne              00 10.32  -05 15.5   13.4    33  171     181928        6.1
12/04  13:48     1742 Schaifers           04 33.53  +18 03.5   14.9   152  353     120015        6.3
12/04  14:01       79 Eurynome            20 39.31  -14 59.9   12.9   163  168        Tau  CAP   5.2
12/04  20:26     2904 Millman             03 27.22  +09 45.6   14.8   105   24         Xi  TAU   3.7
12/05  03:59     1255 Schilowa            06 37.73  +16 22.7   14.9    79  166      Gamma  GEM   1.9
12/05  08:17      694 Ekard               07 41.57  +03 37.9   14.0    29  326     153144        5.8
12/05  09:30      413 Edburga             21 55.90  -30 35.5   13.8    58  338     301991        6.5
12/05  10:00     4460 Bihoro              06 26.82  +58 25.7   15.5    40    3          5  LYN   6.5
12/05  11:49      358 Apollonia           04 15.75  +15 26.1   12.3   127  350         48  TAU   6.5
12/05  14:54     1458 Mineura             05 23.54  +05 17.5   15.9   115  170     148872        6.2
12/05  14:58    33913 2000 LK14           05 47.26  +14 28.5   16.0    60  140        131  TAU   5.7
12/05  20:26     1694 Kaiser              23 46.27  +03 31.5   15.8   176  322         19  PSC   5.0
12/05  22:15      385 Ilmatar             12 30.93  -04 01.5   12.8   152   32     195567        6.9
12/06  00:23     1155 Aenna               05 21.22  +29 36.0   16.0   107    4      94297        5.7
12/06  07:03     1428 Mombasa             06 28.99  +11 00.5   14.3    39  198     122541        7.0
12/06  14:58     4674 Pauling             04 38.01  +07 17.7   15.3   125  131     147759        6.5
12/06  19:55       13 Egeria              22 13.66  -25 09.6   12.4   101  320     273524        5.7
12/06  23:07     2009 Voloshina           02 34.46  +11 33.6   15.9   162  172     118344        6.7
12/07  02:16     1610 Mirnaya             03 49.40  +24 20.9   15.2   120  166      92941        7.0
12/07  02:23      876 Scott               04 51.21  +05 33.6   15.1   165  179        Pi4  ORI   3.7
12/07  05:18     1109 Tata                23 26.94  +01 14.9   16.0    28  168      Kappa  PSC   4.9
12/07  12:05      113 Amalthea            03 51.26  +13 02.7   12.2     1  164     119411        6.2
12/07  13:28      253 Mathilde            04 36.31  +11 26.9   13.8   129  352     120064        6.5
12/07  17:52      297 Caecilia            12 54.36  -09 32.1   15.6    15   29        Psi  VIR   4.8
12/07  20:54     1745 Ferguson            03 34.16  +17 47.9   15.8   123  174     119185        6.9
12/08  04:10      332 Siri                23 31.59  -04 07.1   14.7   128  153     207648        6.7
12/08  06:10     4720 Tottori             04 51.85  +13 42.2   15.0   175    6     120339        6.8
12/08  09:00      911 Agamemnon           08 32.79  +37 58.4   15.3   180  210      73799        5.9
12/08  12:37     3915 Fukushima           04 39.80  -01 04.5   16.0    84  173     175601        6.5
12/09  03:23    26821 Baehr               05 24.67  +37 21.6   15.8    92  172      Sigma  AUR   6.4
12/09  04:39     1685 Toro                20 17.94  -08 03.4   15.9    33  352     203872        7.0
12/09  06:34    19370 Yukyung             05 53.24  +20 16.0   15.4   133  209      95029        6.5
12/09  09:52    27136 1998 XJ16           03 24.75  +09 00.9   15.7    72  226    Omicron  TAU   3.6
12/09  13:12      418 Alemannia           12 19.34  -08 54.9   15.5     2  205     195366        6.8
12/09  18:18     5740 Toutoumi            02 42.36  +20 00.5   15.6    14  207      91916        5.7
12/10  04:01     1831 Nicholson           04 19.43  +21 09.3   15.9    48  358         53  TAU   5.3
12/10  06:11      569 Misa                09 35.94  +14 24.5   14.1   112   26     126608        6.1
12/10  16:28      326 Tamara              22 11.46  -27 09.2   14.0     7  135     273483        6.8
12/11  03:20     3534 Sax                 07 13.34  +16 10.4   15.6    57  335         51  GEM   5.0
12/11  09:49    15848 1995 YJ4            04 50.08  -16 15.1   15.8   158  219         60  ERI   4.5
12/11  13:52       27 Euterpe             13 47.27  -09 40.5   12.1   131   20     196876        6.2
12/11  20:10     2933 Amber               06 42.41  +17 38.8   15.8     3   11         26  GEM   5.3
12/11  21:09      597 Bandusia            14 06.69  -09 19.5   15.2    44  204         95  VIR   5.3
12/11  21:42      633 Zelima              21 22.24  -16 49.9   15.7    13  348       Iota  CAP   4.3
12/11  21:48     1635 Bohrmann            04 28.60  +19 12.6   15.2   109  352    Epsilon  TAU   3.5
12/11  22:44       46 Hestia              10 34.80  +06 57.1   13.8     8  202         48  LEO   5.1
12/12  01:43      319 Leona               05 55.17  +07 24.4   14.2     2  348      Alpha  ORI   0.4
12/12  06:15     1610 Mirnaya             03 44.93  +24 04.8   15.4   130  161         17  TAU   3.7
12/12  14:27     3448 Narbut              05 53.32  +27 36.0   15.1    42  188        136  TAU   4.6
12/12  17:39      864 Aase                04 27.48  +11 13.5   15.1    49    0     119911        5.9
12/12  23:46      350 Ornamenta           22 50.07  -32 49.6   14.2   100  138     303056        6.6
12/13  00:28     5488 Kiyosato            04 17.73  +13 52.6   16.0   147    6     400062        6.9
12/13  02:48      692 Hippodamia          21 13.16  -39 27.8   15.9   161  151     301120        5.2
12/13  18:27    19370 Yukyung             05 48.46  +20 54.2   15.2   144   30      94900        5.9
12/13  22:11      276 Adelheid            05 01.48  -00 44.0   13.1   143  160     175707        6.6
12/13  22:22      636 Erika               20 52.98  -23 45.4   14.9   103  340     271757        6.5
12/14  00:22      433 Eros                22 04.84  -00 56.8   13.6   149  162         32  AQR   5.1
12/14  08:13      187 Lamberta            21 22.93  -22 37.7   14.0   159  335     272410        5.4
12/14  11:34      894 Erda                21 10.79  -09 21.5   15.4    16  171     204905        6.5
12/15  00:48      213 Lilaea              22 49.61  -13 36.0   14.3    32  155       Tau2  AQR   4.0
12/15  06:45     1470 Carla               03 49.33  +24 24.2   15.9    85  344      92941        7.0
12/15  07:08      661 Cloelia             13 44.54  -16 09.4   15.5    88   28         83  VIR   5.6
12/15  07:44     1731 Smuts               06 31.63  +15 54.8   15.3    36    3     400089        6.4
12/15  08:01      358 Apollonia           04 07.71  +15 08.4   12.6    86  172     119638        6.1
12/15  10:36      393 Lampetia            21 52.76  -04 00.6   12.9    64  172     205710        6.9
12/15  14:09     1428 Mombasa             06 20.83  +11 43.7   14.1   106  202     122323        6.4
12/15  21:49      800 Kressmannia         23 46.37  +03 30.1   15.3    57  339         19  PSC   5.0
12/16  03:46     1635 Bohrmann            04 24.93  +19 04.6   15.3   128  351     119867        6.4
12/16  06:32       47 Aglaja              22 43.10  -08 20.1   13.4    93  155     206690        6.6
12/17  03:15      253 Mathilde            04 27.47  +11 14.2   14.0    89  356     119911        5.9
12/17  07:33      720 Bohlinia            20 59.55  -18 59.7   15.6   154  343     238194        6.7
12/17  07:55      197 Arete               14 16.35  -06 37.4   15.4     4  200     197365        6.8
12/17  16:51    14999 1997 VX8            06 12.26  +32 39.4   16.0   144  204      71342        5.8
12/17  18:38      663 Gerlinde            04 46.06  +11 41.1   13.9    82  159     120228        5.6
12/17  20:32      675 Ludmilla            21 54.57  -03 16.4   13.3   106  345     205745        6.7
12/18  02:57      992 Swasey              07 28.02  +06 57.4   15.3    52  348        Eta  CMI   5.4
12/18  17:49      279 Thule               08 41.23  +20 27.9   14.8    47  204      98952        7.0
12/18  20:52      776 Berbericia          05 53.41  +27 39.2   11.2   160   25        136  TAU   4.6
12/19  00:27     1607 Mavis               21 37.02  -19 25.3   15.6   166  343     239096        4.6
12/19  03:19      276 Adelheid            04 57.31  -01 05.2   13.2    71  164     175683        6.2
12/19  09:22      205 Martha              05 35.16  +09 54.6   13.3    90  169     149166        3.5
12/19  13:03     4163 Saaremaa            07 05.60  +14 29.6   15.9    75   17     123505        6.8
12/19  22:54      512 Taurinensis         22 54.74  -16 15.9   14.4    25  333         77  AQR   5.6
12/20  01:22     3296 Bosque Alegre       04 50.57  +08 52.8   15.4    79  206        Pi2  ORI   4.4
12/20  03:00    14931 1994 WR3            04 00.74  +18 09.8   16.0   124  210     119539        6.5
12/20  09:55    26361 1999 AJ5            03 56.93  +22 30.4   15.9   116   26         32  TAU   5.6
12/20  17:32      861 Aida                13 17.52  -00 38.9   15.9   105   14     179012        6.9
12/21  05:29       31 Euphrosyne          11 29.10  +39 19.7   11.5    40  147     400163        5.3
12/21  08:59      323 Brucia              00 32.57  -25 20.6   12.9    94  309     242933        6.8
12/21  16:54    96590 1998 XB             08 31.25  +40 13.9   15.3    52   63      50637        6.7
12/21  18:21    10164 Akusekijima         06 15.69  +06 04.8   15.9    52   22     150179        5.8
12/21  18:34      596 Scheila             00 10.59  -12 33.2   14.9   146  310     208443        5.8
12/22  08:56      147 Protogeneia         14 06.74  -14 10.6   15.0   111   20     228306        6.7
12/22  11:40      926 Imhilde             14 43.37  -09 44.1   15.8   139  203     197849        6.6
12/22  20:52      739 Mandeville          21 34.81  -20 02.5   14.8   160  347         37  CAP   5.9
12/22  21:28     2816 Pien                04 25.51  +17 56.9   15.8    74   11     119872        4.4
12/22  22:31    10936 1998 FN11           05 25.16  +06 19.7   15.0    84  159      Gamma  ORI   1.6
12/22  23:04      372 Palma               10 38.94  +16 07.7   11.9    31   85     127588        6.6
12/23  05:41      612 Veronika            22 16.57  -01 38.2   15.9   144  175     181430        6.6
12/23  14:36     1513 Matra               06 47.42  +18 13.7   15.5   129   11     123041        6.4
12/24  00:58      133 Cyrene              22 37.79  -04 14.9   14.2    81  158      Kappa  AQR   5.0
12/24  21:23      376 Geometria           14 15.44  -18 10.5   14.2    98   22     228526        5.9
12/24  22:08     4936 Butakov             06 26.68  +13 08.2   15.7   130    9     122480        7.0
12/24  23:58     1794 Finsen              05 55.18  +07 23.4   15.7    60  170      Alpha  ORI   0.4
12/25  03:56      350 Ornamenta           23 03.68  -30 25.7   14.2    71  322     303325        7.0
12/25  14:48      660 Crescentia          01 24.05  -08 00.5   14.2     8  133     183393        6.5
12/25  16:12    11064 Dogen               07 16.06  +47 16.0   15.9   168   54      49716        5.6
12/25  19:55     1011 Laodamia            05 10.10  +13 30.2   13.7   173  200     120667        7.0
12/26  06:55      512 Taurinensis         23 09.77  -14 29.1   14.5   105  334     241256        6.9
12/26  15:59      850 Altona              06 33.59  +14 08.7   14.5    41  196     122668        6.7
12/26  23:18     9963 Sandage             04 11.98  -06 49.4   16.0   117   64   Omicron1  ERI   4.0
12/27  01:19      165 Loreley             12 11.74  -10 33.1   13.7    91   44     225495        7.0
12/27  02:13     1031 Arctica             11 00.21  -14 04.8   14.8    17   54     223779        5.8
12/27  05:38      957 Camelia             14 22.63  -20 42.9   15.8   163   17     262831        6.8
12/28  03:13     1996 Adams               08 07.09  +43 13.2   15.7   155  198         28  LYN   6.4
12/28  10:57      536 Merapi              22 29.67  -27 04.6   14.3   134  326     273867        6.3
12/28  13:54     1685 Toro                21 37.75  -07 51.9   15.7    39  186         Xi  AQR   4.7
12/28  14:45    77799 2001 QV88           06 12.06  +19 46.7   15.7    53  143         68  ORI   5.8
12/28  18:29      606 Brangane            06 33.72  +33 00.3   13.4    70  172      71779        6.4
12/28  19:04     1389 Onnie               05 05.54  +19 45.4   15.8   178  178     120582        6.7
12/29  01:16     3198 Wallonia            10 45.73  +30 42.7   15.4   145  316         42  LMI   5.2
12/29  03:50      739 Mandeville          21 43.18  -19 34.6   14.8   161  347     239248        6.6
12/29  07:32      352 Gisela              14 51.90  -18 19.1   15.5   139   17     229408        6.2
12/29  08:20     2675 Tolkien             05 04.61  +27 43.7   15.1   119  350      94035        6.5
12/29  10:04     3073 Kursk               07 29.80  +11 58.8   15.8    95  180          6  CMI   4.5
12/29  10:21     1191 Alfaterna           07 08.44  +07 55.3   15.0   159   23     152002        7.0
12/29  12:35        4 Vesta               05 48.38  +20 52.8    6.6    40   10      94900        5.9
12/29  21:31      334 Chicago             00 24.41  -02 10.8   14.4   162  330     182216        6.1
12/30  02:44      781 Kartvelia           06 59.34  +07 19.4   14.8    22   16     151677        6.1
12/30  04:29      159 Aemilia             05 11.68  +16 01.2   12.5    94  187     120692        5.2
12/30  05:56      861 Aida                13 26.23  -01 08.6   15.9   178   12     179046        6.0
12/30  06:25      170 Maria               09 35.04  +12 38.3   13.2    71  144     126594        6.8
12/30  23:27      110 Lydia               14 06.34  -08 51.5   13.7   124   20     197195        6.5